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IMC ServicePurchase and sale of vehicles

There are big economic advantages by letting IMC stand for the purchase/sale of vehicles

Of course the members of the IMC are free to bring their own vehicles into the IMC. The IMC takes all in as members, irrespective if they have their own vehicle or they are letting the IMC buy the vehicle.

The difference, though, is that members, who have bought their own vehicles, pay a higher setup fee (non-recurring expense) and a higher annual administration fee. The explanation for this difference is that the IMC has to cover its running costs. Our interchange fee for purchase or sale is 4 % of the purchase/selling prize, but at least 600 euros. That is a very low prize.

We always search for the best vehicle at the best price. In addition to this we always try to negotiate the price down. This discount will be passed on to the member. On new vehicles we have an agreement with many suppliers, where we, as professionals, get discount up to 30 %.

The important thing is of course that the quality of the vehicle is alright. We are very aware not to buy from unserious dealers.

The price on used vehicles is more difficult to negotiate. Often the vehicle already has the best price online.

If you have found a good offer on a vehicle of the right quality, there must be acted quickly. In the buying phase, the IMC is a strong intermediary. We have been on the market for over 30 years, so we know the pitfalls. But the final decision will of course be taken in close contact with the member.

When you are going to buy and you want to make a quick deal it is necessary that the
member has transferred the budgeted amount to the IMC in advance.

When the deal is completed the vehicle has to be transported to an address decided by the member. Depending on where the vehicle is bought the transport will cost between 200 and 600 euros.

If necessary the IMC will take care of the service of the vehicle and get it MOT tested before it is re-registered and delivered to the member.

If the member is not able to receive the vehicle in Flensburg, the IMC will deliver it
elsewhere for example at an airport (see price list).

If the member is interested in using the IMC purchase-service the IMC will need to know
which vehicle the member is interested in: brand, model, colour, max price, max age and
max kilometres.

It is possible to get an overview of the market by visiting

You are then able to send us a link for an offer which you would like us to examine closer.

Sale of the member´s vehicles

When we are to sell a member’s vehicle it will cost an interchange fee of 3% of the selling price at least 500 euros. We agree on a selling price with the member after we have assessed the cost of similar vehicles on the internet.

The vehicle should preferably be in a good condition technically. If the vehicle has defects we must be informed about it. The vehicle has to be clean on the inside and outside. We take pictures and put the vehicle on the internet.

The vehicle must be with us so we can display it. The first month it is free after that it will cost 20.00 euro’s per month until it is sold.

Visit us on

We take care of communication with the buyers; arrange presentation and eventually a test drive if desired by the buyer.

If a buyer offers a lower price than the asking price we will contact the member with the offer. If we do not get any inquiries the price might need to be lowered a little.
We will then arrange this with the member.

We will make the sale’s contract and if we receive the money for the member it will be placed on the member’s IMC-account until the member has decided what he/she will do with it.

- We are looking forward to helping you -Contact Sven

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