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IMC ClubRegulations for the association

"IMC Internationaler Motorclub"

The purpose of the association is to be beneficial to the motorized travel life of Scandinavians and Scandinavians with residence in other countries, and to promote the international understanding through common traveling and sociability.Financial business is out of the question.

The name of the association is “IMC Internationaler Motorclub”.The place of residence is in Flensburg.

Any corporation represented by its owner or business manager, or any individual who is legally of age and is in compliance with the purpose of the association, can become a member of the association.You give a written registration statement and are willing to fulfil the obligations that are imposed the members of the decisions of the general meeting.Memberships end by death, by written resignation or by possible exclusion. By the end of themembership all member rights and obligations end as well.Partly repayment of subscription and assessed extra subscription for the current calendar year is excluded. The same applies to shares of the capital, unless the general meeting agrees on a different decision about this.

The subscription, which every member must pay, will be determined on the annual ordinary general meeting and applies for one year at a time. The member year is equal to the calendar year. If a membership starts or ends during the calendar year, the full yearly contribution will be paid.

According to § 26 BGB the board of the association consists of three persons, who all have to be members of the association, and of which at least two have to be residents in the German Federal Republic. The board nominates a chairman among its members, a first deputy, and a second deputy, who also works as a cashier.The general meeting can choose a board of supervisors too, consisting of up to five persons. The council supports and relieves the board in its work.The members of the board of supervisors participate in the board meetings with the right to vote and talk.The board is excused from the restriction according to § 181 BGB.The board and the board of supervisors is selected staggered from another.

The ordinary general meeting takes place every year in June. The chairman of the association summons the members with at least 7 days’ notice and with a statement of the agenda. The board’s report of the previous year, including the account, will be found in the agenda. There are also suggestions which the meeting must consider.The general meeting forms a quorum with a common majority of votes.Representation by other members is allowed when written authorization is presented.The passing of the general meeting will be decided with a majority of those present or by represented members, if neither laws nor regulations decide differently. If the voting is equal, the chairman’s vote will be decisive.

The passing of the general meeting will be registered in a protocol, which will be signed by the protocol writer and the chairman.Extraordinary general meetings will be called by the chairman, when he finds it necessary, or when demanded by 1/10 of the members.

Decisions about changes of present regulations, about the use of the capital of the association, and about the dissolution of the association must be agreed on with 3/4 majority among those present and represented members on the general meeting.

Adopted in Flensburg 13th of May 2000.

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